CEPH's 米歇尔Polacsek publishes two manuscripts on the U.S. 校园饮食景观

米歇尔Polacsek博士.D., M.P.H.

米歇尔Polacsek博士.D., M.P.H.,香港大学教授 正规澳门赌场网络公共卫生学院 也是 Center for Excellence in Public 健康, is co-author on two manuscripts just published on research evaluating the school food environment in the United States.

The first article, titled “Parent perceptions of school meals and how perceptions differ by race and ethnicity,” assessed California parents’ perceptions of school meals during the COVID-19 emergency response with federally funded universal free school meals (USFMs) and whether perceptions differed by race/ethnicity.

Most reported school meals benefit their families, saving them money, time, stress. 父母 of Hispanic and Asian students had less favorable perceptions of school meal quality, 味道, healthfulness than parents of White students. 父母 report that school meals benefit their families, but policy efforts are needed to ensure schools have the resources needed to optimize participation.

第二篇文章, “Competitive Foods’ Nutritional Quality and Compliance with Smart Snacks Standards: An Analysis of a National Sample of U.S. Middle and High Schools,” assessed competitive foods (foods sold in vending machines and school stores often competing with school meals) in a national sample of 90 middle and high schools.

Differences in compliance by school characteristics were measured. Competitive foods were less commonly available in schools with USFM policies and were compliant in only 50 to 75% of cases. Smart Snacks standards compliance was greater when competitive foods were overseen by food service departments, in comparison with others. 因此, schools should consider requiring school food service departments to oversee competitive foods. Federal and state policies should limit added sugars, artificial sweeteners, synthetic dyes. USFM policies should also be considered to support healthier school meal environments more broadly.

For more information about the research team and its products, please visit: http://www.childnourishlab.org/healthy-school-meals-for-all