校友 Spotlight: Nathan Haynes, M.S.P.A. ’01

内森·海耶斯,M.S.P.A. ’01, is a physician assistant at 缅因州 Medical Partners Orthopedics and Sports Medicine.

“I really like diagnostic problem-solving and figuring out what’s going on with my patients,内森·海恩斯说, M.S.P.A. ’01. “That’s what drew me to this profession.” 

源自雅茅斯, 缅因州, Haynes completed his undergraduate degree in sports medicine at Marietta College in Ohio. Since he was interested in helping patients recover quickly after accidents rather than focusing on long-term rehabilitation, 他的目标是成为一名 医师助理(PA).

To gain important hands-on medical experience, Haynes returned to 缅因州 to work as an athletic trainer. He then worked as an athletic trainer at St. Lawrence University for two years, where he also earned his master’s degree in leadership.

在1999年的夏天, he came back to 缅因州 to start at UNE’s new Master of 科学 Physician Assistant program — which remains the only physician assistant program in 缅因州. From the beginning, Haynes fell in love with UNE’s philosophy for taking care of one another. 

“That philosophy still holds true today, as it is a crucial part of providing compassionate health care,他说. 

Haynes now works as a physician assistant at 缅因州 Medical Partners Orthopedics and Sports Medicine in the Division of Trauma and Fracture Care — a level one trauma center to which patients from all over New England travel to receive care. 

“We see people at their most vulnerable after an accident,他说. “It feels good to be able to put them at ease by educating them and leading them through recovery so they can resume their lives.” 

除了他繁忙的工作, Haynes makes time to share his experience with current PA students, a practice that began when he was on campus. 作为一名二年级学生, he and his fellow students hosted prospective PA students the night before their interviews to get to know them and offer advice. 

“It was really enjoyable and fulfilling to share my experiences and knowledge with incoming students,海恩斯分享道. “That’s a large part of why I’ve continued to give back and help out.”

正规澳门赌场网络毕业后, Haynes has assisted in prospective student interviews and has even had the opportunity to lecture. He thoroughly enjoyed the process of preparing interactive lessons for current students. His involvement with the program has continued to evolve over the years, he doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon. 

“健康 care is a tough job,” he remarked. “Getting reconnected with the students is refreshing. It reminds me of when I was a student at UNE — a student who was excited and eager to help others.”

多年来,海恩斯看到了 UNE的PA项目 经历巨大的成长. He is excited to see how the program continues to develop as the Portland Campus for the 健康 科学s becomes a regional hub for health sciences education and practice. 

“We all have a role to play in health care, I love how UNE fosters interprofessional health care education,他说. “I’m excited to see more collaborative health care where professionals contribute their expertise to problem-solving.”

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