Associate Provost Karen Houseknecht named a Fulbright Scholar

Portrait of Karen Houseknecht smiling against trees
凯伦L. Houseknecht, Ph值.D.,副教务长 研究及奖学金

正规澳门赌场网络是 proud to announce that 凯伦L. Houseknecht, Ph值.D.,副教务长 研究及奖学金 和 professor of pharmacology within the 骨科医学院, will spend part of the 2022-2023 academic year in Spain as a Fulbright Senior Scholar.

的 富布赖特项目 是U.S. government's flagship international educational exchange program, created to increase mutual underst和ing between the people of the United States 和 the people of other countries.

Houseknecht will serve as a professor-in-residence at the Department of Pharmacology within the College of Medicine at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) 从2023年2月到5月. While there, she will be engaged in 教ing pharmacology with host Manuela Garcia Lopez, M.D., Ph.D.,主任 UAM’s Teofilo Hern和o Institute for Drug Discovery — as well as research 和 collaboration with additional faculty — on her proposal “Integrating Mechanisms Regulating Metabolism 和 Dementia: A Transdisciplinary Approach.”

Houseknecht is a pharmacologist whose research lies at the interface of neuroscience 和 endocrinology, focusing on underst和ing factors that regulate mood 和 metabolism, 包括糖尿病. 的 long-term goal of her research is to aid in the discovery of novel therapeutics with a focus on improved quality of life 和 patient safety. A first-generation college student turned prominent biomedical researcher, 豪斯内克特获得了博士学位.D. from Cornell University 和 completed post-doctoral training as an Endocrine Fellow at the Beth Israel Hospital at Harvard Medical School.

“Becoming a Fulbright Scholar has been a life-long dream, I am deeply honored to have this opportunity to represent the United States, 以及正规澳门赌场网络, 作为富布赖特学者,豪斯内克特想道. “As a diabetes researcher, I am thrilled to be able to collaborate with Dr. 曼洛佩兹, 她的同事和学生, renowned experts in the field of Alzheimer’s 和 related dementias. As patients with diabetes are at a much higher risk of developing dementia, I am eager to collaborate across disciplines to help address the growing 公共 health crises of diabetes 和 dementia.”

作为副教务长 正规澳门赌场网络的研究和奖学金, Houseknecht serves as the chief science officer 和 the research integrity officer for the University. She has scientific 和 executive leadership experience in both academic 和 corporate research settings, including roles as vice president of 全球 研究 at ASDI, 公司. 和 as associate research fellow of diabetes drug discovery within the Division of Cardiovascular 和 Metabolic Diseases at Pfizer 全球 研究 和 Development.

“研究 activity at UNE has flourished under Dr. Houseknecht的领导, her designation 作为富布赖特学者 is a reflection of the tremendous efforts she has made to elevate UNE’s status as a world-class research university,”正规澳门赌场网络校长詹姆斯. 赫伯特,Ph值.D. “我为他感到骄傲. Houseknecht’s accomplishments, we are fortunate to benefit from her expertise.”

Since its establishment by Congress in 1946, the 富布赖特项目 has given over 400,000名学生, 学者, 老师, 艺术家, 科学家们 — chosen for their academic merit 和 leadership potential — the opportunity to study, 教, 进行研究, 交流思想, contribute to finding solutions to shared international concerns.

Fulbright alumni have become heads of state, 法官, 大使, 内阁部长, 首席执行官们, 还有大学校长, 以及主要的记者, 艺术家, 科学家们, 和老师. 其中包括61位诺贝尔奖获得者, 89位普利策奖得主, 76位麦克阿瑟奖得主, thous和s of leaders across the private, 公共, 非营利部门. 的 program is active in more than 160 countries 和 partners with governments, 主办机构, 公司, 和基金会.